Wedding Confetti


Watergate Hotel wedding
The Watergate Hotel / Washington DC wedding photography / Washington DC wedding photographer

Maria + Luis Gabriel planned a teeny, tiny, beautifully intimate Watergate Hotel wedding for just 16 of their closest friends and relatives. They wanted, above all else, photographs that showed the emotion of the occasion and the reactions of those in attendance, not only for themselves but also to share with their far-flung friends and family all across the globe. (That included a gaggle of relatives who caught a glimpse of the festivities through FaceTime and Skype!) It rained and rained and rained all day, so we were fortunate to have a couple of pretty outdoor spots with overhangs at the Watergate Hotel where we could take a couple of quick, efficient portraits of this bicycle-loving couple. As I work on the full collection of photographs, I couldn’t resist sharing a couple dozen favorites so that Maria + Luis Gabriel can start the sharing as well! Enjoy!


  1. María Claudia Bahamón

    Que lindas fotos Luis Gabriel y Maria, pero sobre todo, que felicidad saber que comienzan una nueva etapa en sus vidas…etapa para gozar y disfrutar la vida juntos!!
    Les deseo toda la felicidad del mundo
    Un fuerte abrazo!

  2. Juanita

    Lindisimas las fotos!! Les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor y muchísimos años de dicha y felicidad!
    Lastima que q mi si no me invitó!! Será que se perdió mi invitación?
    Un abrazotote…Juanita

  3. Julieta Rodriguez-Guzman and Denis Bernier

    Congratulations to the groom and the bride! I hope your smiles and your love will last forever! You deserve to live happily for ever after!
    Hopefully we will have a chance to celebrate your lovely Union!
    Warm regards and big hugs for both,

    Julietta and Denis


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Wedding Confetti